Common Signs and Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

nutrition Sep 23, 2019

Candida overgrowth is caused by having too much candida and yeast in your body, the most common form being Candida Albicans. Everyone has candida in their body. It’s considered a commensal yeast, but if you have too much of it, it can cause a wide range of uncomfortable symptoms. Many of these symptoms are related to other conditions as well, so you might not even realize it is from the excess candida in your body. Below are common signs and symptoms of candida overgrowth. 

Candida overgrowth can be caused by a number of different factors including poor dietary habits, high sugar consumption, poor sleep, and chronic stress. If you’re experiencing one of more of the symptoms below, it’s worth investigating further to determine if candida is the culprit.

Digestive Discomfort

Some people experience more problems with their gut and digestive system when they have a candida overgrowth. With too much candida in your body, there is a major disruption in the balance between good and bad bacteria and yeast. Everyone has both naturally, but when you have too much candida, it throws the microbiome out of balance and leads to quite a few issues. Candida may even be associated with more serious issues that also affect gut, including ulcerative colitis.

Low Energy

This is probably the first and most common symptom you will experience when you have candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, it is a sign of many other conditions as well, so your doctor might not catch it right away. You want to look at the severity of your fatigue and rule out other causes to determine if it might be from candida. 

With this type of chronic fatigue, it doesn’t lessen or go away no matter what you do. You might exercise more or less, try getting better sleep or more sleep, do things to keep you alert during the day, and nothing works. This is when you know you have chronic fatigue related to your mental or physical health. When this happens along with some of the other symptoms mentioned, it might be from candida overgrowth.

Recurring Vaginal Infections and UTIs

Since candida is yeast in your body, it makes sense that you might get recurring yeast infections. If you keep getting vaginal infections, be because you have a lot of candida in your body. Yeast infections are common with most women having at least one in their lifetime, but getting multiple ones in a short period of time is not common. In addition to yeast infections (which men can also get), you may also be experiencing urinary tract infections on a regular basis. This is not normal and is something you want to investigate further.

Skin or Nail Infections

Recurring skin or nail infections are also a symptom of a candida issue. If you’re experiencing acne, dermatitis, or fungal nail infections, the underlying cause may be linked to an overgrowth of candida. 

Joint Pain & Fatigue

Joint pain along with the fatigue  When you have one or the other, it may not mean anything, but joint pain with some moderate or severe fatigue, it could be from having too much candida in your body.

Autoimmune Flare-Ups

Flare-ups of Fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease or other autoimmune conditions may be linked to a candida infection. You may notice an increase in your flare-ups, but aren’t quite sure where they are coming from. Start keeping track of your diet, stress levels, and sleep quality. If everything is in check and you’re still experiencing flare ups, then it’s worth considering a candida infection. 

Difficulty Concentrating

If you experience trouble concentrating and focusing, it could be linked to many different things, but one potential cause may be candida overgrowth. If you notice problems concentrating or not holding your focus, especially in combination with some of the other symptoms mentioned, there may be a connection. 

Mood Swings and Anxiety

Mood swings or worsened anxiety are another symptom of candida overgrowth. Even if it isn’t from candida, it is still a good idea to figure out where your anxiety is coming from. I recommend that you start tracking your anxiety and mood in a journal and see if you can figure out the cause. Other contributing factors to consider are hormone imbalance, sleep deprivation, and chronic stress.

As you can see, candida overgrowth can affect you in many ways. If you suspect candida may be an issue for you, I invite you to schedule a 30-minute strategy sessionwith me so we can discuss further and determine next steps. 


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